Links: Occupy Wombat

Wombats break into prison, poodle wins Westminster, intense elephant rescue, a loudly purring cat, and more.

And finally: Well, Someone’s Happy

Elizabeth G. shares a kitty with its motor running.

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11 thoughts on “Links: Occupy Wombat

  1. Georgiana May 15, 2024 / 8:21 am

    I want the sound of that cat’s purr on a loop, it would be great to fall asleep to!

  2. allein 🐾 May 15, 2024 / 9:08 am

    I need that kitty on my lap while I work.

  3. DEBG May 15, 2024 / 9:16 am

    Even without sound, I can tell how happy that kitty is! Happy paws say it all.

  4. 6rabbits May 15, 2024 / 9:55 am

    Those are some major-force purrs! What a happy kitty 😁

  5. Kar May 15, 2024 / 10:12 am

    that elaphant rescue is kind of intense. and he seems kind of young to be on their own, assume its a bull.

    seeing it roped up like a calf at a rodeo was a little surreal.

    • 6rabbits May 15, 2024 / 10:19 am

      The whole thing was surreal! Can you imagine being submerged for 24 hours using only your trunk to breathe? My mind boggles😳

      • DEBG May 15, 2024 / 10:25 pm

        Those people are such heroes. What a brave team.

  6. 6rabbits May 15, 2024 / 10:17 am

    Wombat article is fascinating and includes some other interesting creatures also. This fact about wombats, “Comprising thick bone plates that act as armor and with few nerves, their behinds are used to crush predators’ skulls against the roofs of their burrows.” I did not know this, and I thought I knew everything about wombats!

    So happy for the kitty trio! They are just adorable! And lucky👍🏼

  7. DEBG May 15, 2024 / 11:02 am

    Those kittens! My brain is melting.

  8. Diane in Los Angeles May 15, 2024 / 1:32 pm

    Imagining how amazing it must’ve been for the first person who both saw the wombat squished somebody with its butt cheeks, realized what it was doing, and how it did it….astonishing.

    How wonderful that they were able to rescue that elephant. This would be a great time to have some thing like the pop off tags they use for sharks and whales in the ocean, where are the tags automatically pop off after a period of time, float to the surface, and transmit data to satellite, so that you can follow the travels of the animal after the tag is attached. It would be great to know that that elephant did fine after it walked off into the bush.

    And…..the motor on that cat is amazing. I need to figure out a set up for my microphone that I can stick it right next to one of my cats while I’m snuggling them and record…

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