Links: My Three Wombats

Man raises wombats, pit bull loves big toys, related cats reunited, and the strangest rescue you’ll ever see.

And finally: Must Be a Dogwood Tree

Arne shares an unusual rescue.

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14 thoughts on “Links: My Three Wombats

  1. allein 🐾 June 19, 2024 / 8:46 am

    Huh? Wha-? How?

    • DEBG June 19, 2024 / 9:33 am

      me too

  2. Dana June 19, 2024 / 9:29 am

    I’m guessing part of the tree up top was missing or a large branch had fallen off creating a hole for doggo to shimmy down in. Too bad they had to chop down the tree but that must have been the only option to free him.

    • DEBG June 19, 2024 / 9:34 am

      You’re probably right. Poor pup!

    • 6rabbits June 19, 2024 / 10:44 am

      I did NOT expect a DOG to come out of the tree!!
      I amazed that the dog could climb it! Either there’s a lower hole we can’t see or he must
      have been running FAST!

    • allein 🐾 June 19, 2024 / 10:47 am

      But how did he get up there? Chased a squirrel right up the tree?

      I just realized on my third watch that you can hear him barking while the guy is cutting.

    • Blue Footed Booby June 19, 2024 / 10:51 am

      The tree being hollow means it was already dead for a while.

      • 6rabbits June 19, 2024 / 1:40 pm

        That’s what I thought!

    • DEBG June 19, 2024 / 10:39 pm

      yes and yes

  3. Georgiana June 19, 2024 / 11:10 am

    Maybe it’s same kind of tree than the one that tried to eat the kid in Poltergeist.

  4. sedro6 June 19, 2024 / 11:14 am

    But, but, how did they know they weren’t going to cut the doggo in half???

  5. Duckie 🐥 June 19, 2024 / 4:11 pm

    Insert “barking up the wrong tree” joke here.

    • allein 🐾 June 19, 2024 / 4:31 pm


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