Links: The Invasion Begins

March of the capybara, raccoon buddies love the bathtub, blind cat sticks with Mom, and squirrel stumps a dog.

And finally: Well, I’m Stumped

Dana D. brings us a smart squirrel sending a dog around in circles.

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11 thoughts on “Links: The Invasion Begins

  1. 6rabbits July 18, 2024 / 9:03 am

    The squirrel and the dog are hysterical! I wonder how long that went on?

    • debg July 18, 2024 / 10:00 am

      I too loved them. Though I was kinda waiting for someone to grab the axe with their little paws.

  2. Kar July 18, 2024 / 9:30 am

    I for one welcome our new Capybaras overlords.

    • debg July 18, 2024 / 10:01 am

      All hail the ROUS!!

      Also why can’t this happen in my neighborhood?

  3. allein 🐾 July 18, 2024 / 10:08 am

    I counted 15. Fifteen capybaras!

    • Ricky & Bibi's Mom July 18, 2024 / 11:31 am

  4. Georgiana July 18, 2024 / 10:45 am

    I love how the capybaras all stops walking and looked in different directions. It’s like they felt they were being observed and were trying to spot who was spying on them. LOL!!

  5. tara July 18, 2024 / 2:59 pm

    Watching the ROUSs at work with sound off, I’m hearing the march of the elephants from Disney’s Jungle Book.

    • Alice Shortcake July 18, 2024 / 3:11 pm

      For some reason this brought to mind one of my most vivid tv-related childhood memories. I don’t know if it was a tv show or an advert, but a phalanx of tv sets on four-legged stands were marching down a cobbled street at night. This couldn’t have been later than 1967 and I’d love to know what the heck it was all about!

  6. DEBG July 18, 2024 / 3:03 pm

    Those raccoons are really adorable. I wouldn’t want to rehab them, however–life is challenging enough without raccoon proofing the house.

  7. AJ July 18, 2024 / 4:29 pm

    Good thing the lady got the parade on tape otherwise if it was me, I’d be waking up in the morning going “Did I really see what I think I saw???” Such a cool occurence too, it was like they were going to a secret meeting of some sort. Poor doggo is so confuzzled by the squirrel. He’s like I smell that squirrel but where the heck is it??!

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