Can You Dig It, Fuku?

House rabbit Fuku indulges his digging instinct for a while, then it’s off for snacks and a happy flop. Just a typical Bunday morning.

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9 thoughts on “Can You Dig It, Fuku?

  1. Luv Bunny July 28, 2024 / 8:29 am

    Adorable Fuku is lovingly spoiled, as he/she should be.

  2. allein 🐾 July 28, 2024 / 8:48 am

    The opening shot is lovely. A rainy day in the low 70s (23°C = 73.4°F) sounds nice right now. (Actually, it is 73 here at the moment, but it’s sunny and the high is supposed to be 87.)

    Fuku is a lucky bun.

  3. 6rabbits July 28, 2024 / 9:05 am

    Fuku is a very happy bun, with all the satisfied flops he does!
    I love his face at the beginning: You peons are SO far beneath me. *sneef*

  4. Georgiana July 28, 2024 / 9:55 am

    I’ll start by saying I have nothing against bunnies, please don’t come at me, I think bunnies are cute and I love the long ears.

    OK it might sound silly but there’s always been something that felt, not off-putting but just I don’t know strange to me when I look at bunnies and I think I finally figured out what.

    It’s the nose!

    The nose moves independently like it’s got a mind of its own, like it’s a symbiote and not really part of the bunny.

    Hummm maybe I’ve read too many sci-fi and horror books in my life LOL!!

    • Luv Bunny July 28, 2024 / 11:40 am

      That’s okay, no hard feelings. I love bunny noses, they’re soft and I think, cute. It is different for the nose to be constantly moving, you’d think it would be tiring. I’m not into every “pet”out there.

  5. AJ July 28, 2024 / 10:55 am

    Such a happy, spoiled and well loved baby. That sounds nice to have a rainy summer day. Haven’t had one since moving to CA. Right now it’s cool, mid 60s but it’s supposed to hit almost 90 later. Thank goodness for the pool!

    Living room ceiling saga, day 2. Thankfully, nothing else has collapsed but I noticed a crack and a few small bubbles in an adjacent section. Fingers crossed that it holds until insurance adjuster and contractor show up. All I know is I’m just not going to sit in the chair that’s right underneath the hole. Either that or I go find one of hubby’s hard hats, lol.

    • DEBG July 28, 2024 / 2:21 pm

      Stay safe, AJ!

  6. DEBG July 28, 2024 / 2:20 pm

    I love Fuku’s blissed-out face when his hoomin scratches his cheeks–I’d give anything to get that reaction out of a rabbit.

    Also that is one disapproving rabbit!

  7. Kar July 28, 2024 / 5:06 pm

    its so exhausting being cute

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