Oh, You’re Getting a Licking

Here’s a special treat from reader AB (pet parent to Grogu and Rey). A very affectionate labradoodle makes a new friend:

Recently I realized my long-time dream of adopting a black kitten from a shelter. I board dogs in my home, and Theodore the labradoodle expressed great interest in meeting my tiny void, Barret. Apparently, Theodore decided to find out if Barret is actually as sweet as he looks. Hopefully Theodore will be getting his own feline buddy soon! His owner was thrilled with this interaction and she’d been wanting a kitty but didn’t know how Theodore would react.

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8 thoughts on “Oh, You’re Getting a Licking

  1. Georgiana July 31, 2024 / 2:18 pm

    Well the cat is purring so I guess he took a liking of the licking.

    • Ricky & Bibi's Mom July 31, 2024 / 3:25 pm

      Purring is not always a sign of positive feelings. Barrett looks somewhat bemused to me, but we can assume he’s okay with it because … no whapping!

      • AB July 31, 2024 / 3:38 pm

        Yep, Barret is a fierce little guy who has no problem telling cats and dogs to back off! If he had disliked Theodore he would have hissed.

      • DEBG July 31, 2024 / 4:41 pm

        I love Barrett’s confuzzled look.

  2. Dana July 31, 2024 / 2:33 pm

    Yum, tastes like licorice!

  3. 6rabbitsr July 31, 2024 / 3:28 pm

    That’s a very thorough licking there!😳

  4. tara July 31, 2024 / 6:33 pm

    Theodore: “you don’t smell right”
    also Theodore: “I fix that”

    What sweethearts.

    • Ricky & Bibi's Mom July 31, 2024 / 8:41 pm


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