4 thoughts on “Cute Commute

  1. allein 🐾 August 7, 2024 / 2:38 pm

    Japan, of course..

    Go to NYC and I’m sure you’ll find plenty of rats.

    • 6rabbits August 7, 2024 / 3:17 pm


      • Ricky & Bibi's Mom August 7, 2024 / 8:28 pm

        When did the rat become the official animal of NYC? I can assure you that there is no shortage of rats in Los Angeles, to name only one other rodent-rich example …


        I can’t understand why this was downvoted, but to each his own, she said as she kissed her cow.

  2. Georgiana August 7, 2024 / 4:50 pm

    I would like a bit more information on this cat, like why is he on the subway? Where is he going? And wouldn’t he be more comfortable on my lap?

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