We’re Practically Twins!

I can tell we’re going to be great friends, because we’re so much alike! We have matching fur, and we’re both about the same size, if you ignore the giant dog body attached to your head.

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9 thoughts on “We’re Practically Twins!

  1. Georgiana August 26, 2024 / 6:05 pm

    I though at first the kitten was trying to suckle in the fur but it really looks like he’s grooming the dog.

    • debg August 26, 2024 / 6:14 pm

      I think there was some suckling action until it turned into licking.

  2. debg August 26, 2024 / 6:14 pm

    The roundness of that kitten! No wonder pup fell for it hard. Such a cute couple.

  3. allein 🐾 August 26, 2024 / 6:20 pm

    I can’t tell them apart!

  4. Dubravkamcvmd August 26, 2024 / 6:30 pm

    That kitten could not be happier.

  5. Ricky & Bibi's Mom August 26, 2024 / 7:46 pm

    That right there is some redonkulous cuteness.

  6. 6rabbits August 26, 2024 / 7:55 pm

    You can hear the kitty purring!

  7. Duckie 🐥 August 26, 2024 / 8:20 pm

    Anyone else want to lift an ear or a jowl and tuck the fluffball in?

    • allein 🐾 August 26, 2024 / 8:51 pm

      Yes! I was waiting for kitty to curl up under an ear!

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