13 thoughts on “Wall-to-wall Service

  1. 6rabbits September 23, 2024 / 3:29 pm

    Look how torn up that cat tree is!😳

    • Duckie 🐥 September 23, 2024 / 3:41 pm

      Better the cat tree than the rest of the house.
      PSA my friends, this strain of Covid I had is terrifying. One minute you’re fine, and the next minute you can actually feel yourself getting sick. Thankfully, it doesn’t last more than four or five days, but it hits hard. It’s like a truly dreadful cold with a cough and fever, but the Covid test lights up when you take it. Please, if you are so unfortunate as to get it, baby yourself. I slept for 12 hours at night, and still needed two two-hour naps for the first four days.
      Also, your sense of taste could change. Ice cream was bitter.
      Please look after yourselves.

      • 6rabbits September 23, 2024 / 4:17 pm

        Oh, Duckie, that sounds horrible! I’m glad you are better now💙

      • AJ September 23, 2024 / 4:31 pm

        I’m so sorry it was that rough, Duckie. Hope your feeling better today. And that hubby isn’t sick for too long.

      • Ricky & Bibi's Mom September 23, 2024 / 5:40 pm

        I’m so sorry, Duckie, but on the other hand am super glad you’re here to tell the tale!

      • debg September 23, 2024 / 6:10 pm

        Hugs, Duckie. Glad you’re feeling better and sorry you had to go through that.

  2. allein 🐾 September 23, 2024 / 3:34 pm

    For some reason, Climbing the Walls by Stir is suddenly stuck in my head…

  3. Kar September 23, 2024 / 5:00 pm

    Lor help us,


    spoiler alert: it doesn’t taste like popcorn

    • allein 🐾 September 23, 2024 / 5:10 pm

      The previous owner of my brother’s house put popcorn ceiling in the living room…with little gold stars embedded in it.

      He lives with it because he doesn’t want to deal with the mess of taking it down.

    • Ricky & Bibi's Mom September 23, 2024 / 5:39 pm

      That may be a textured ceiling, but it’s swirls, which are bad enough, but at least are not popcorn.

      There’s a special place in hell for whoever invented popcorn ceilings.

      • debg September 23, 2024 / 6:10 pm

        Agreed. Popcorn walls are just as bad–had them in my last house.

  4. debg September 23, 2024 / 6:11 pm

    Is anybody else worried about kitty getting down!? I’m sure kitty will be okay, but what will it land on?

    • Duckie 🐥 September 23, 2024 / 6:16 pm

      Picture frame to door top to photographer’s head.

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