I was dusting the sitting room when I noticed Lady Wilberfarb leave the stable after her riding lesson with young Roger, a farm boy just two weeks in our service. The Mistress must endure considerable jostling during these sessions, as she often emerges adjusting her hair and outergarments.

Scandalous, Andrew Y.
*clutches pearls….* 😲
Ditto 😳 🫢
(Nice choice of name for the farm boy…😏)
Also, had to…

Oh my, someone get my smelling salts I feel faint.
The bowtie is entirely unnecessary! Kitteh’s expression is sufficient
Bridgerton was never this much fun.
Love the Hovertext!
Fainting couch, stat!
I ded, just ded I tell you. First the post *clutches pearls*, then the picture *oh my, more pearl clutching and stumbling to the divan*, then the hovertext *Cries out for the smelling salts and a sherry while collapsing on said divan*. That butler has seen some things!!!
PS Love the caption on X – I’ve just informed him he needs to pay rent. 😹😹🤣
Somewhat OT, but Kitty’s expression exactly matches mine as I watched the Titan sub hearing. “He did WHAT!? He said WHAT!? He used WHAT!?”