Hmph, it appears that my library privileges have been revoked. Never again shall I escape into the realms of fiction, then return to the sobering facts of history. No longer will I spend hours pondering the mysteries of the cosmos, the conundrums of philosophy, or the never-ending search for Waldo. That’s what I loved about books; they give you so much to chew on.

That’s why you’re banned from the bookshelves, oh leetle gray cutie, bun. Here’s a hint- do like my precious bun did – turn around, hop or climb onto top of fencing and viola, there are the books to digest. However, they may then move your fancy bedding.
I dunno, I think you can clear that fence…
The horror, no books!! Poor baby but I think when there’s a will there’s a way. Take me forexample. When mother took away my library privileges because I was falling behind in myschoolwork, she found me in the pantry reading the can labels. 🤦♀️🤪
Good news, it rained last night and there’s more rain in the forecast! That should help with the fires but now have to worry about mudslides. I’m starting to think it’s time to give up the CA dream. I mean the weather is nice but … it comes with so many other challenges.
I won’t question your mom’s reasoning but reading the labels on cans seems desperate. Were you able to understand or pronounce half of the listed ingredients?
When you gotta read…
I understand that need to read, oh, so very well. Reading cans seems completely normal to me. Also backs of cereal boxes.
I compulsively read the backs of cereal boxes when young! I had to read *everything*.
In my teens, my mom would punish me by taking away the book I was reading. So…I’d grab another one and start. The most she took away, before I learned to be sneakier, was four. This is what enabled me to read more than one book at a time throughout my life. Makes me laugh even now! Take that mom!
This person appears to be a SciFi reader, of which I totally approve!👍🏼
Yes, I knew all the contents of every cereal box by heart. If I walk into a coworker’s office and can see the computer screen, it’s all I can do not to read it.
No one took a book away from me (Daddy is a librarian), but after 8pm I had to be very good at listening for the telltale creak of floorboards that meant a parent was sneaking up to make me turn off the light. Using a flashlight never occurred to me.
Nice! 🙂
Supportive parent!👍🏼
That’s fantastic!
The other way to encourage reading rebellions: put all the best books on high shelves. Kids will ignore whatever they can get to easily, but they’ll make an effort to read what seems forbidden.
If I had had a wand as a kid, Lumos would have been my favorite spell.
Poor deprived bun bun!
That is an ingenious way to protect books! Can’t believe I never thought of it! I have many “altered” books!🙄
Those portable fencings are great. I had a few, put in front of Christmas tree, my organ and other areas I didn’t want my buns to potentially destroy. Plus I used them when the buns needed to be corralled when I was gone or for bedtime.
My mom had this type of shelving in her closet and decided to remove it; we used three pieces across the kitchen doorway, and another three from the peninsula in the middle of the kitchen and the wall, to keep Pablo in the back part of the kitchen when no one was home. Each piece was a little over 12 inches, I think, but he was so small he couldn’t get over it.
The website I took the image from even shows it being used as a dog crate.

(I don’t know why it’s upside down…)
I did use those a lot! I just never thought of putting them in front of my bookcases for some reason. They were very handy at making large enclosures for rabbits when I was gone, or to separate them.
I actually hang these kinds of bins on the walls to hold yarn, fiber, and other things. It’s a lightweight organizer, so I can sort by color.
I too was in the club of cans and cereal box readers. And because I read on my bed, in the typical Roman dining pose, my mom used to threaten me with: “you’re going to end with a crooked back!!”
I recently put my washer and dryer in a cage after my Frenchies destroyed the little door on the washer that covers the drain hose and the latch on the dryer that keeps the door closed. $50 for parts and an insane amount of time replacing the dryer latch.
Oh no!
This is a clever idea!
Books I acquired in my early 20s still have teeth marks from when my beloved Clive was a teething kitten. Also I learned in grad school not to mark pages with post-its: my beloved Terence would inevitably pull them out of the books.
Bun looks very disapproving about having library privileges revoked.
These responses have warmed my heart.💙 Reading so many tales of avid readers makes me
feel like I’ve found “My People”!