Wait, this is a new place? But I was just getting used to the old place! I had my favorite jingle toys and a zoomies course all mapped out, and now everything’s different! What if I don’t like it here? What if I miss my friends? What if they… wait, do I smell somebody making a tuna sandwich?

DSC_0074, by tracie7779, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
He looks adorable, OK this is not helping me resist getting a kitten.
Be still my heart!! What an adorable lil nugget. I agree Georgiana, if it wasn’t for my two viscous wa was I’d be heading out to get a couple baby voids for the house.
I’ll give you all the tuna you want!
I’m guessing it will take this little guy about 10 minutes to take over the whole house.
My sister has had a lot of rescue kittens in her house and they are so adorbs! She has rescued free roam cats from around her neighborhood—she leaves out food for them—and then socializes them, vet visit, has them spayed/neutered, and then finds a shelter who will take them. (It is horrid how much this costs!) She has had 4 of her babies adopted in 2024. She has 4 cats of her own, rescues she just had to keep.🙄
She and her teen daughter also volunteer at a shelter each week. She is my hero!🐱🌟
She’s my hero too! Wish I could take in rescue kitties.
I would LOVE to turn the Shortcakery into a haven for rescue cats and kittens.
Contact a local shelter and see what you can do! They always need help☺️