Golden Retrievers Swarm Colorado Town to Celebrate Special Holiday
People, via NTMTOM
And finally: Can’t Fit, Sits Anyway
One of the signs of growing up is when you can no longer fit in your original packaging.
"I can totally fit."
People, via NTMTOM
One of the signs of growing up is when you can no longer fit in your original packaging.
"I can totally fit."
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Who called that dog ugly? I want a word with them.
I mean the dog is actually cute! I was expecting huge scars or something! Someone needs to be smacked IMHO.
I’m right behind yous
Such a wonderful dog. I’m glad he found people who adore him.
We get both extreme of humanity today, on one hand we see how evil a person can be to shoot that poor dog thousands of time with a BB gun and on the other an owner who cares and a vet who goes above and beyond and put the tiniest cast ever on a hamster’s broken leg.
Reminds me of the very tiny instruments needed for the squirrel on Seinfeld!
That person found a very good vet for the hamster! I don’t think many would do that?
“Overly ambitious workout injury” – four words which will NEVER apply to me!
Idiot neighbour update: two men turned up next door at 6.25 this morning, bringing with them more bits of wood the same width as the slats they’ve already nailed to my trellis fence. Twelve days after I asked them politely to take the materials down they clearly intend to finish the job! I officially engaged the services of a solicitor today so fingers crossed…
Good luck!
Holding good thoughts for you, Alice.
Best of luck!!😉
I want to sign that hamster cast. I have no idea how though.
Somewhere out there there’s a long bearded man who just made my sh!t list
No kidding! I am always soooo confused by people who treat there animals in horrible ways. You should have to qualify to have charge of an animal.
And to be a parent, but quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
“Who will guard the guards themselves”or “Who will watch the watchmen?”
I think of humans who are damaging their children, physically and emotionally! I am one of those humans who believes not just ANYone should be able to have a child. It would be wonderful if our bodies would NOT BE CAPABLE of producing kids until some emotional or physical plateau is met. It should be a physical impossibility for someone to get a child OR an animal and then abuse them. It shouldn’t be another someone’s “judgement”, but JUST THE WAY OUR BODIES WORK.
I have struggled with this as a teacher and a human most of my life. And what I have been able to do is only a drop in the large ocean that is this problem.😔
6rabbits – you are not alone.
No dog is ugly! It’s the humans treating them badly that are ugly. So glad that he has a loving forever home now. I think the cotton swab was wider than that hamster’s arm, lol. Talk about a vet going above and beyond to solve things. Cat trying to sit had me cracking up, sometimes you’ll sit and no matter how hard you try, you just won’t fit.
Good luck Alice, I can’t believe the nerve of people these days. Thankfully I get along fine with my neighbors I share a fence with. One even asked last year if he did renovations/replace the fence, did we want to to get our side done and split the cost.
“Something there is that doesn’t love a wall …”
Perhaps it is good neighbors who make good fences, instead of the other way around.
Wish I’d known about the goldies in Golden event, so I could meet this guy. Golden isn’t that far away from me.
To quote the Beastie Boys:
(s)He’s Crafty.
I miss having a roly poly feline who’s overly plump with baby fat cheeks to kiss.
I look at that plump kitty with golden fur and just want to bury my face in their fur.