During his daily mid-afternoon grooming session, Chester suddenly remembers that he really, really likes chicken. This one thought so overwhelms him that he remains in this state for half an hour.

birdwatching while grooming..., by marneejill, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
I think this is what my Excel is doing right now…
(trying to open a huge file. trying not to scream.)
I just got off a call with a user who took up a day of developer troubleshooting time by editing the config file while the app was open, and not mentioning that in the bug report. While I’m super relieved there isn’t some insane heisenbug that only affects this customer, I kind of want to go out into the parking lot and scream a bit.
Imagine this, but in a polo shirt:

It finally opened, and now I’m trying to clear the formatting (which should roughly halve the size of the file). Just trying to highlight the rows made it stop responding again. And while it’s thinking, I can’t do anything else in any Office application.
If all else fails, xlsx files are actually zip files full of xml. You can open them in 7zip, winzip, etc and manually rip out the formatting. It’s…kind of a pain.
Can you teach my mother to NOT open backup bookkeeping files and start working in them?
lol no promises.
I <3 possums
I go Pogo!
I’ve never encountered a possum IRL. They seem cute, mostly, but when they make screamy faces I find it disconcerting.
A friend and I once rescued a baby possum—they are totally adorbs! As adults, not as cute for some reason.
I got to hold the baby while my friend ran to get her car—we were on a morning walk—and it was just so cute! The rescue couldn’t let her go free, so when grown, she became a mascot that they took on visits to schools.
I ended up running a week at a time, removing the formatting and copying them into one file. Don’t tell the auditors.
Eat the notes! Eat the notes!
Now I really want to see that possum in a polo shirt.
Is this close enough?
Sometimes a tab (gentle or otherwise) can get the system working again. And then you’ll be glared at for interupping their thought process. My niece’s one cat has taken to staring and occasionally meowing at the dryer. We say she’s communicating with the mothership, and when she tries to climb into the open dryer, that that’s a portal to the ship. 🤣🤣🤣
It’s the stopping in the middle of a very special bath that has me giggling. Oh, and the blep. Also the beautiful blue eyes. And the big belleh.
And the right leg that is still straight up by her head!😆
I think someone is an honorary Orange cat.