Links: No Fare? No Fair!

Happy woman holding a cat

And finally: Gesundheit!

A polite cat is nothing to sneeze at, as shown in this video found by Dana D.

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Links: Titanic Tail

Maine Coon cat sleeps on top of a cat tower dangling a very long tail

And finally: Titanic Toy

Murray C. brings us a dog with a toy almost its own size.

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Links: Three Dogs and a Wombat

Dog looks at a man holding a yellow tennis ball

And finally: Wombat Milk Coma!

The only thing cuter than these wombats getting their bottles is what happens after.

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Links: Mutt Marketing

A dog licks a woman's face

And finally: Advanced Fetch

When fetching sticks gets boring, it’s time to move on to bigger things, in this video shared by Dana D.

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