Links: The Magnificent Seven

Seven lucky kittens, endangered wolf cubs born, daredevil seabirds, and bacon pancakes!

And finally: Bacon Pancakes!

DC Cindy shares a parrot singing her favorite song.

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Buddy, Meet Bunny

A golden retriever named Buddy gets a playdate with a cute bunny. When your playmate is no bigger than your head, things could get awkward, but Buddy’s gentle touch keeps it fun for the bun.

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Bathtime for Maru

It’s time for Maru’s annual bath, that rare moment when we get to see how much of Maru is actual cat and how much is floof.

It’s another scorching hot day, and after a sweltering visit to the backyard, Maru’s ready to pour himself into a box.

In fact, Maru’s melting so much he’s actually getting smaller.

Keep cool, Andrew Y.

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