That New Car Taste

Ellie and Bobo are two pampered house rabbits, and today they’re getting a brand new car! They don’t waste any time breaking it in, either.

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Maru’s Ribbeting Adventure

Maru puts on a magic bag and he and Hana stage their own version of The Princess and the Frog. How enchanting!

But enough play-acting, thinks Maru. If I’m going to be a frog, I’m going out in the rain to eat… grass? That’s what frogs eat, right? Yeah, let’s go with that.

via Andrew Y.

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Weekend Open Thread

Caturday is a great day to practice healthy habits such as yoga. However, as reader Sally G. demonstrates, your cat may have other plans:

Here are two photos I took showing how my cat Mohair Sam makes a big impression on my yoga practice.

Viewed from above, a silky dark gray cat sits on woman's crossed legs
Time to play “How long can you hold this position?”
Close up of a woman's leg showing the impressions of two cat paw prints.
Ooh, that’ll leave a mark.
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