What a monster I’d been, cruel and heartless. All those innocent field mice, scooped up and bopped on the head. I was up to fifty a day at once point. And what was it all for?

All the cute animals you crave: puppies, kittens, hamsters, hedgehogs, squid, ducklings, bunnies, raccoons, womba–All right, who added “squid”?
What a monster I’d been, cruel and heartless. All those innocent field mice, scooped up and bopped on the head. I was up to fifty a day at once point. And what was it all for?
Today at Maru Towers, building maintenance is upgrading the recreational facilities. As president of the tenants association, Maru is there to supervise.
Next it’s off to the garden, where Maru’s meat buns get muddy.
via Andrew Y.
Welcome to the Caturday open thread! Today we have a visit from Skye, who is a model of persistence where food is concerned, explains reader Georgiana Y.:
In the evening we always eat on tray tables in the living room while watching the news. My husband spoils Skye and gives her bits of food from his plate depending on what we eat, that night he was eating shrimps covered in batter so not suitable for cats so she didn’t get any but not for the lack of trying.
Pampered pup Poppy is a perfect princess, and now it’s time for her to enjoy the most redonkulous bedtime routine ever, in this video found by reader A9.