Links: Business Birdbrain

And finally: Boss Level in “Frogger”

Andrew Y. shares what happens when you reach the other side.

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Epic Wombat Wednesday

“I know of the treasure you seek,” cackled the enchanter. “It lies deep in a cave, guarded by a monster more fearsome than any dragon, more brutal than any ogre, more vicious even than the killer rabbit of Caerbannog. So if an untold fortune would be yours, then you must defeat… the Giant Wombat of Wagga Wagga!”

a wombat rests inside of a hollow log, which looks a lot like a cavern entrance
Hewwo. Are you food?

Peekaboo wombat, by -just-jay-, licensed under CC BY 2.0

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Links: Running With the Big Dogs

And finally: Dinnertime!

Can we still call it a high chair if it’s that close to the ground, Andrew Y.?

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