Slow Down, Kids!

Oh, yeah — this is the good stuff. Not just sproingy baby goats, but five minutes of sproingy baby goats in slow motion.

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Cat’s Eye in the Sky

Attention Employers! Are you squeezing the maximum value from your workforce? Make certain with Ceiling CAT (Comprehensive Attention Tracking) surveillance system.

Cat looks down from small hole in ceiling
Slacker acquired, recording…

Ceiling CAT gives you a top-down view of your workforce, identifying slackers, snackers, pencil stackers, gamers, knitters, quiet quitters, Facetokkers, Tikbookers, Flaknackers, anyone who looks suspiciously contented, and Communists.

closer look of cat in ceiling
I’ve… SEEN things. (Reddit)
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Links: Summa Cum Meowed

Cat gets a doctorate, beefalo on the loose, bossy baby beaver, snow leopard cubs, and more.

And finally: That’s Enough Screen Time

Luv Bunny and 6rabbits bring us a bunny who can help with phone addiction.

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This Post Is Gonna Flop

The happy hoppers on Okunoshima Island express their contentment as only a rabbit can: by digging a crater and flopping into it.

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