Weekend Open Thread

Welcome to another Carona Caturday! Today we have an update from reader Anna G. in Milano, Italy. At the end of their fourth week of self-quarantine, Anna and cats MiMi and Cipi want to share some important advice…

Have a daily routine, they said. Keep your home tidy and clean…

and work out every day, stay in shape, they said.

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Weekend Open Thread

Welcome to the weekend! One thing is certain about our brave new world: It’s given Cutetropolitans all over the world a lot to talk about. And to start the conversation we turn the floor over to Anna G. from Italy, who sent this yesterday:

Here in Milano we are at the 10th day of isolation. Iā€™m alone at home, but coping quite well because Iā€™m sharing my space (their space) with MiMi and Cipi. We are three senior ladies, but they are so cute and funny and purring and… furry, I mean, everything is furry now.

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Animal Shelter in Place, Part V (Updated for Your Protection!)

OK, last post for the night! If more pictures come in I will add them here (or on Caturday). First up, from AB: “Methredhel helping my husband with his telecommuting gear.”

”Well, you don’t want this stuff stolen by ninjas, do you?”

And from Julie W., “Here are Ladybug and older bro Mr Gray helping us ‘work.’ ”

”Try to keep it down to a minimum, kay?”

Update: Reader Squiddy adds “Yeah, staying inside with these two makes it hard not to give into that tempting mid-afternoon nap. ”

sleeping cats
“It is useless to resist…”

And finally, Laura H. shares the stoically sedate Sebastian and the supremely silly Yoofi!

Everything’s going to be OK, right?

Wheee! Mom’s staying home!

lurb lurb lurb lurb…

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Animal Shelter in Place, Part IV (Update)

We’ve definitely started something, folks. Now Cutetropolis readers on Facebook are sharing their work-from-home sanity savers. From Debbie C., here’s Rosie…

Why are you still here, Mom?

And here are Rosie’s supervisors George and Minnie.

”So… what would you say you do here?”

Meanwhile, Jennifer B. shares this photo of Cricket, “being very helpful as my personal assistant as I work from home.”

The best way I can help you is by not helping you.

Another Facebooker shares! “Meet Rossi, our current foster doggo,” says DB.


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