Links: Mortal Tomcat

And finally: Honk

(More Chewpaca the Alpaca on Instagram.)

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Cute Baby Schnozzola

At the London Zoo, a cute baby anteater named Beanie has a teddy bear to cuddle after her mom couldn’t take care of her. Although the bear dwarfs Beanie now, eventually the baby will grow to about seven feet long.

Submitted by Andrew Y., who has a nose for Teh Qte. (via Mashable.)

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Water You Trying to Do, Genius?

This anteater at the Sunshine Aquarium in Tokyo, Japan likes to root through the food left for the ducks in their shared enclosure. However, this cunning plan may not have been thought all the way through.

But practice makes perfect, and eventually our anteater manages to get a snack without getting a drink.

That anteater turned out to be pretty smart, Smartypants. (via Tastefully Offensive)

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