Links: Cat-like Downloading Detected

Cats sitting on small satellite dish

And finally: Beavers Beat the Government

Dana D. share some workers doing a dam good job.

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Tree Talk

“I gotta confess something, Phil; I’ve never liked trees all that much. Yeah, I know, we’re supposed to chew ’em and all, but something’s always been a little off for me. Too bland, too many splinters, I dunno. But that cedar we had the other day — now that was a tree. Moist, great aroma, full-bodied with a clean finish… Hadda stop myself from eating the whole thing, yanno?”

two baby beavers on a pile of sticks. One beaver is chewing a stick while the other appears to be speaking to his friend.
I’m tellin’ ya, Phil, it’s like the Holy Grail of trees.

Young beavers, not sure if there is behavioural teaching going on here., by Deborah Freeman, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

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Links: This Just In

Dog rescued during hurricane news report, service dog film festival, pig builds a nest, and beaver gets dressed.

And finally: But I Don’t Wanna Get Dressed!

Murray C. brings us a protesting baby beaver.

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Links: Wombat Wednesday +1

Wombat and kangaroo buddies, Godzilla cats calendar, man hatches a swan, baby beaver, and more.

And finally: Hockey Pawpads

A9 brings us these adorable athletes.

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