This Old Dam House

On today’s program, we’re gonna head out of the wood shop to get a nice branch for the missus. Now, the most important thing in picking the right branch is to get one that’ll fit into your shop. The second most important thing is to always have your cutting tools handy for when you forget the most important thing.

via Elizabeth G.

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Links: Batman in Retirement

Oldest bat, invisible puppies, online goats, kayaking beaver, and dog recreates art

And finally: You’re Supposed to Be Tucking Me in, but Whatevs

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Links: Head and Shoulder

Cuddly dog, bucket beaver, fashion bug, hiker finds puppies, and bouncing cockatoo!

And finally: Cockatoo-robics

“And bounce! And two! And three! And four! Feel the burn, ladies!” (via Andrew Y.)

Dancing with friends

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Cutest Dam Beaver You Ever Saw

There’s an adorable baby beaver recently born at the Point Defiance Zoo, and he or she’s just the cutest, toothiest, squeakiest, smiley-est bundle of beaver joy.

More baby beaver cuteness!

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