Wow, it’s my old shoebox! I used to love playing in this when I was a kitten. I’d lurk inside and pounce on my brothers, or just stretch out for a nap. Hey, it still fits!
Great Moments in Box-sitting
April 3, 1983 — After a contentious internal debate, judges for the Guinness Book of World Records decline to certify a record set by Snowball McPoofybottom for “Smallest Box Sat In.”
Guess the judges didn’t (wait for it) think outside the box, Murray C.
Money Well Spent
“Hey, Mom! These new boxes are the best! So much more comfortable than the old ones! But are you going to keep the soft packing stuff that was inside?”
Think Small, Think Small
(Dude, you got this. You are a cat, you’re the model of flexibility, and there isn’t a box in the world you can’t squeeze into. So just limber up, concentrate, and find a way in…)