Breaking News — Construction work on the Cutetropolis Bunway System has been halted due to a shortage of cardboard. Project planners blamed the problem on unauthorized nibbling.
Bunday Boss
“I’m gonna need you to go ahead and finish your TPS report and then give me scritchies and a banana.”
This Post Is Gonna Flop
The happy hoppers on Okunoshima Island express their contentment as only a rabbit can: by digging a crater and flopping into it.
Who Doesn’t Love a Nice Soft Pretzel?
Peeps, here’s a special Mother’s Day treat from bunny mom 6rabbits:
Here are some photos of Pretzel. First at the shelter, then streeeeeeeeched out at the end of my bed, and finally—feetz!
Pretzel is sorta hard to get pictures of, cos either I don’t have my camera when he’s doing something photo-worthy, or he knows I’m trying to take a photo and ruins the take. Besides eating, his favorite thing is to lay in the sun.