Christmas Bunday (updated)

Since it’s the Bunday before we open our presents, let’s just take a peek at what’s inside our bunny stocking! (update: Ooo! Found more bunnies!)

Prettige Kerst!, by hans s

Christmas Card, by coalybunny, licensed under CC BY 2.0

Christmas Bun 1, by Digapony, licensed under CC BY 2.0

reindeer bunny, by torisan3500

And reader Holly H. shares this sleepy bunny who was totally going to stay awake to catch Santa Claus this year, honest:

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Big Bun

Most folks say he’s just a myth, but the locals in the sleepy town of Gator Giggle, Florida swear he roams these marshes, with thumps that can be felt for miles. So keep to the trails, and don’t travel alone, lest you encounter… the Giant Swamp Rabbit of the Everglades!

Close up of rabbit face, photographed from below
It’s a good thing you’re not a carrot.

The Almighty Rabbit!, by Caitlin House

Bonus Bunday

Andrew Y. shares a bun taking out the trash.

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