Gotta Catch ‘Em All

Capybaras are usually docile creatures, unless it’s time for their vet checkup, and then you have to break out the butterfly net, as we see in this video shared by reader Allein. Speakers up for the squeaking!

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Links: Derpy Dogs

Hilarious hounds, loving animals, rescued capybara, just-in-time kittens, and more.

And finally: Wait for Me!

Wait for me Ma!
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Links: It’s Infrastructure Week!

Engineering cat calendar, baby sloth, pelican learns to fish, and mom water taxi.

And finally: Mom Water Taxi

Andrew Y. shares a furry ferry.
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Links: Time-Lapse Tiger

Baby tiger’s first year, friendly capybara, dog waits for baby, cat knocks on door, and more.

And finally: Knock, Knock!

Dana D. shows how no good deed goes unpunished.

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