Links: The Wook of Wuv

Pets in love, chihuahua from Hell, alpaca on wheels, uncle pittie, and armadillo can’t wake up

And finally: I Can’t Roll Out of Bed

This Monday mood brought to you by Andrew Y.

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Sproingy Puppy Bean!

Meet a chihuahua puppy named Buddy, a bouncing, yipping, zooming jumping bean who’s super happy to see you! (via Murray C.)

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Got a Bone to Pick With You

You seeing this? You seeing what I gotta put up with over here? “Be nice to your cousins,” Mom says. “Let them chew on your bones.” Fine, as long as I get to chew on theirs.

Poor doggie, Murray C.

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Links: Well, This Is Awkward

(Almost) no dog left behind, kitten gets a friend, otters get fostered, and cat art, in today’s links.

And finally: Dogs, They’re So Calming

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