As the most delicious of all the dog breeds, corgis are frequently hunted by werewolves, dragons, xenomorphs, three-headed razor-fanged hellbeasts, cats, and other predators. Lacking any natural defenses, the wily corgi must rely on his skills in camouflage.
Links: Special Delivery
Mail carrier poses with pup, cat sits like a human, a special dog/cat bond, and a dog and pony show.
Cat Starts Acting Like a Little ‘Businessman’ When Someone Steps Up to Help
Love Meow, via Andrew Y.
And finally: Dog and Pony Show
DC Cindy brings us this precious horsey ride.
Splish Splash Sploot
I’m done for! I can’t walk another step! You go on without me, I’d only hold you back! I’ll just throw my wretched, broken body into the river, to sleep in a watery grave! Farewell!
So dramatic, Andrew Y.