Links: Farm Hand, er, Paw

And finally: How You Like Them Apples?

Andrew Y. shares these two buds sharing a snack.

This is why I pay internet for
byu/tuanusser inEyebleach
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Links: That’ll Do, Donkey

Shrek donkey passes at 30, dog rescues woman from pool, man rescues cat from ice, crochet hats for cats, and more.

And finally: Hello There, Ladies

Man trying to catch his dog around two girls doing yoga
byu/_GamingRaptor_ infunny
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Links: Hippopotamus for Christmas

Baby hippo born on Christmas Eve, dog cheers up hospital patients, donkey bodyguard, kittens on a mission, and more.

And finally: It’s Boxing Day

So here’s a cat in a box, shared by Andrew Y.

Will he fits?
byu/MafuSorau inaww
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Links: We’re Not Worthy!

Proof that we don’t deserve animals, sad donkey deflates his ball, costume cat can jump, and bath time for Bessie.

And finally: Bath Time for Bessie

Murray C. shares a clean cow.

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