Forget Bee Not

Being a bee is tough, mainly because you have to remember so many things. You have to remember where the hive is, which one’s the queen, and how to do all those little dances that tell everyone where the pollen is. It’s so much that sometimes I forget basic things, like that time climbed halfway up to a window before remembering that I could fly.

bee climbs

Yeah, I’ve had those days, Andrew Y.

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Links: Wool You Look at That

Fake animals, switched-off pup, nursing home cats, dog meets duck, and the most determined tongue ever. Plus more.

And finally: Lotsa Lick — er, Luck

After a dog biscuit slides under a fence, a tenacious tongue darts out again and again, determined to regain its prize — or knock it down the stairs in the process. Found at the Daily Mail by Phred’s Mom.

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Links: Jowl Right There, Buddy?

And finally: By the Time I Climb Up Here, I’m Gonna Need that Nap

“I can relate, puppy. I’m short too,” says sender-inner Monica M.

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