Links: Three Days, Two Nights, One Cat

Black cat sits on desk counter

And finally: Down, Boy

Shiba trying to calm down their pup
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Trunkster Twosome

Two baby elephants playing in a field

Baby elephants Lenny and Sulwe are only three months old, but they’re already a precious pair of toddlers, racing and rassling in this way-too-short video from Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

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Take Off, Ya Hosers

If you ever played with a garden hose as a child you’ll definitely relate to these elephants as they play in the spray.

Elephants playing on a dirt pile
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Top Ten Trunkster Tots, Take Two

Three baby elephants are playing with a ball

Last year the Elephant Nature Park shared their top baby elephant moments for 2023. Well, the big beautiful babies are back in business in this all-new compilation for 2024!

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