Putting the “Dog” in “Dog Bed”

The ever-patient Buddy and his kitten friend seem to be getting along very well, to the point where he lets the precious feline nap on his belly. Bet it feels like a furry heated waterbed. (via Murray C.)

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Gathering of Gubbois

Last week on a golden afternoon, hundreds of golden retrievers and their humans turned a Scottish estate into a barking lot to celebrate the 155th anniversary of the breed.

The Golden Retriever Club of Scotland held the meeting at the Guisachan Estate of Lord Tweedmouth in the Highlands, where the breed originated.

If there’d been a rainbow nearby it’d have been perfect, Elizabeth G.

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Sadie, Sadie, Grogu’s Lady

It’s always a great day when we can hang out on the patio with Grogu and Rey, the feisty Frenchies. This time they’re having a playdate with a golden retriever named Sadie, and reader AB shared lots of pics.

Glad you could join us!
Are you ready to play?
Oh, you want some of this?
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The Cutest Puppy in the World

Once upon a time (well, a few months ago) there was a puppy named Domi who was the cutest in the world. Domi’s power of cuteness was so strong that other dogs cowered in fear of it. The simple act of chewing a slipper or a shirt became transcendent when Domi did it.

Domi had permission to sleep anywhere in the house. Just trying to find the right spot to sleep tended to tire Domi out, so this policy turned out to be a good idea.

Domi did not particularly care for the shower.

Alas, the day finally came when Domi got bigger and stopped being the Cutest Puppy in the World so that another puppy could be the Cutest Puppy in the World. But Domi was still very cute. The (not) end.

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