Weather Forecat

“Today’s forecast for the northern region is blue, tapering off to light blue by afternoon. Meanwhile, we’re tracking a strong yellow front blowing in from the east, and this should lead to heavy pink in the southern areas, so don’t forget to wear your prom dress if you’re heading outside. Turning to the five-day forecast…”

cat in front of weather map
Just lending a hand. (Reddit)
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Dog Paddle

Life these days is so stressful and that’s why it’s really important to find that one thing that relaxes you. For me it’s kayaking. When I’m out there on the water, rocking gently in the waves, hearing distant birds echo across the water, it really does things to my head, man.

dog in boat
Like, now I want to chase those birds.

Your moment of (confusing) perspective, via Sharon H.

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Know Your Paranormal Phenomena

Does a werewolf only come out at night? Not necessarily! Although the classic werewolf of legend will transform only in the light of the full moon, there is a variant known as the lycan who can transform at will and retains some of its human form. Another difference is that the werewolf is driven by a hunger for blood, while the lycan is driven by tamer pursuits, such as beating the fourth-quarter sales record for the tri-county region, currently held by Todd Beezleman, that little kiss-up.

man has dog head
Then I’ll make Employee of the Month for sure!

It’s nice to have goals, Sharon H.

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A Moment to Reflect

Attention, cats: Have you ever wanted to see the world the way your human servants do? Now you can — with HumanEyes™, the revolutionary new glasses that let you experience the complex world of humans. Simply put them on, and HumanEyes will let you understand human TV shows, newspapers, even everyday human activities. Wear HumanEyes for just ten minutes and we think you’ll agree — you’ll never want to put them on again.

cat wears glasses
Wow, this guy’s a complete idiot. (Reddit)

I think kitty’s seen enough, Sharon H.

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