Gee, Your Hair Smells Terrific!

And it was at that moment that Ronald discovered an interesting side benefit from using his favorite shampoo, “Nature’s Nectar.”

So that’s how they put those holes there, Arne.

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Links: Bow-Wow, Brown Cow

And finally: Howl it Again, Sam

Marty Blue sings a soulful solo — so low he lies under the piano. (via Paul P.)

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Links: The Meowtain of Youth

And finally: Live, Damn You! Live!

When a man found a hummingbird trapped in his home, the tired little bird was about to give up — but the man wasn’t. Viaย Lois M. and Murray C.

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Fill ‘er Up!

Shout-out to S. H. for dropping a tip in the jar recently. Thank you! Now, let’s treat ourselves to a delicate hummingbird enjoying a refreshing drink in slow motion. Look sharp to see the teeny tiny tongue action!

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