The Family That Licks Together

(Turn on closed captions for English) Let’s spend a relaxing Bunday morning with Lillian and her two new babies. A devoted mom, Lillian gives the little ones lots of love and licks…

And a few days later, the babies are old enough to return the favor. Licks for everybody!

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Hey, Big Spender

You look like someone who can take a real licking and come back for more, if you know what I mean (and I think that you do). Just a dollar a slurp, good-looking — except for the one on the left, we call her “Foot Long Franny.” She costs extra.

dogs at charity kissing booth
♬ The minute you walked in the park (bah-WHOOMP) ♬ (Imgur)

BRB, Andrew Y., gotta hit the ATM.

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I Shall Leeck You!

When a giant rabbit wants to smother you with kisses, you’re getting smothered, pal.

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