Fun Facts About Penguins

You might know that today is World Penguin Day, but did you know where these fascinating birds come from? Here’s a fun fact from the Center for Irresponsible Science: Penguins are made in special penguin factories and released into the wild. In this video, a crew from International Penguin Inc. delivers a fresh shipment of penguins to its longtime customer, The Ocean.

OK, what’s really happening here is that a team from the Shedd Aquarium is releasing rehabilitated African penguins off the coast of South Africa. Swim, my pretties, swim!

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Duck-Billed Platypup

Science News — Just in time for Easter, researchers at the Institute for Irresponsible Genetic Tampering have successfully cross-bred a platypus and a puppy, creating a duck-billed platypup that can lay puppy eggs.

*SNIFFFFF* That’s some primo slipper, man. (via Imgur)

I hope they’re chocolate labrador eggs, Sharon H.

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Double Trouble

Geneticists at the Center for Irresponsible Science have just announced that they have perfected a watchdog with a double-decker head. Applications for this innovation may include enhanced junkyard security, since at least one head can be awake at all times.

We would like a double order of double cheeseburgers, please.

Via Reddit.

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