How to Be a Supervillain, Lesson 12: Perfecting Your Evil Laugh

Surprising as it may sound, the evil laugh can often be the most disarming tool in the evil villain’s arsenal. It can inspire minions to fanatical levels of devotion and also demoralize handsome enemy agents so that they accept the futility of their feeble attempts to thwart your plans. The proper evil laugh has many parts:

  • Laugh: Begin with an innocent chuckle, as if savoring a private joke. As the inevitability of victory becomes clear to you, build into a maniacal cackle.
  • Pose: During the cackle, lift the head up and gaze into the skies, as if challenging the very gods above. Avoid eye contact with insignificant mortals near you.
  • Lighting: An eerie glow from beneath will make you appear more terrifying. Possible sources: Flashlight, table lamp, nuclear reactor.
  • Special Effects: If you can manage to shoot lightning bolts from your cheeks and eyebrows, do it. Nobody will mess with you at that point, guaranteed.
kitten with light orange fur opens its mouth as if laughing maniacally
“Once my satellite unleashes the Hypno-Ray, the world’s tuna supply… WILL BE MINE! BWAH-HAH-HAH-HAH!”

cute kitty, by daniellekellogg, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

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Links: Repeat Business

Dog wants another Santa visit, lion cub triplets born, doggie nativity play, and fireside felines.

And finally: Fireside Felines

Andrew Y. shares a video from the cat shelter Furever Home, Romania.

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Links: Keep Them Doggies Rollin’!

All aboard the doggie train, kitten rescued from inside car, photoshopped cats, and sleepy kitty.

And finally: Night-night!

Andrew Y. shares a sleepy kitty.

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