Weekend Open Thread

Welcome to the Caturday open thread! Since Cutetropolitans are such caring and giving souls, reader Georgiana Y. writes with a heartfelt request on behalf of her dear friends:

Urgent! Volunteers needed for belly rubs. We promise this is not a trap. Signed, Stormy and Skye.

black cat lies on its back
I swear I will not slash your arm to ribbons.
cat with black and grey stripes lies curled up on its side.
I promise not to sink my fangs into your sweet, succulent flesh. Honest.
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Happy Friday the Thirteenth!

Don’t worry — I may be a black cat, but I’m one of those bad-luck kind of black cats. In fact, I might bring good luck! As long as you have chicken. Or maybe a tuna sandwich. Otherwise, I dunno, could go either way, you take your chances.

Black kitten looks at you with its mouth open in a friendly smile.
Which isn’t the best idea today, obviously.

Coby and Indy, by www.metaphoricalplatypus.com, licensed under CC BY 2.0

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