Dog climbs fence, rescued kitten gets orange playmates, wholesome animal adoption pics, and dog tricks the cat.
And finally: Doggie Doorman
Murray C. shares a clever pup who can show you the door.
Murray C. shares a clever pup who can show you the door.
Welcome back, fright fans. Our next tale of terror concerns an ancient portrait in the hands of a collector with impeccable taste — for blood. It’s a spine-curdling tale I call: Brushstroke With Terror!
“I hope your journey to my castle was uneventful,” said the dapper gentleman as he ushered his guest into the gallery. “I’m glad you could appraise the portrait here, because it is very sensitive to light and must never leave this room.”
“Why, what an uncanny resemblance,” noted the art expert. “This portrait is three hundred years old at least, and yet it looks just… just like…”
“Yes, I know,” said the gentleman, eyeing his guest’s neck. “It’s been in the family for generations. But then again,” he added, moving in closer, “so have I.”
Found on Instagram by Andrew Y. and Sharon H.
Happy Halloween, boys and ghouls! Help yourself to a handful from my haunted bowl of treats! I’ve got candy corn, Necco wafers, some menthol cough drops, a couple of cigarette butts — and these mind-bending links of cuteness to render you helpless with delight! BWAH-hah-hah!
Bored Panda, via Andrew Y.
Sad and Useless, via NTMTOM
Maru, via Andrew Y.
Sad and Useless, via NTMTOM
Bored Panda, via Andrew Y.
Double trouble…
Due to an unfortunate misunderstanding between Planetary Maintenance and a recently terminated employee from our Reality Engineering division, we are attempting to disable a virus that gives everyone the Spider-man ability to cling to walls and other vertical surfaces. While it may be tempting to exploit these abilities, please be aware they could be disabled at any moment.
From your friendly neighborhood submitterator Elizabeth G.