Catnip Fever!

The Kittisaurus Cats Get Baked

The cats of Kittisaurus are living the high life when their mom throws them a catnip party — and not just a dime bag from the pet store, but with an entire box of crinkly, crunchy, crazy-fying whole leaf catnip!

The party was such a hit that mom decided to do throw them an even more lavish party!

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Brush With Weirdness

The cats of Kittisaurus love a good brushing as much as any cat, but a little goes a long way. One brush is good, two brushes is better, but a whole hallway full of brushes is just insane.

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Kits in the Pits

The cats of Kittisaurus are going to Chuck E. Cheese — whether they like it or not — because their hallway has been transformed into a giant ball pit and they have to find their way across! For some, that will mean cautious crawling, while others just take a flying leap. But they’ve got treats waiting on the other side, so let’s get this ball rolling!

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Jurassic Prank

Kittisaurus cats meet Inflatosaurus

It’s another peaceful day in the Kittisaurus house, but all that is about to change with the arrival of a giant inflatable T-rex! The kitties scramble for cover, but soon realize the new monster in town is just full of hot air.

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