Links: Doggie Delinquents

Dogs kicked out of daycare, cat loves baby bouncer, mama moose, door destroyer, plus more

And finally: Doggie Door Destruction

I guess this is what got them kicked out of daycare, Arne.
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Links: Dogspotting

Dog spotters group, moose in parking garage, kitten with blep, pup in a blanket, and more

And finally: Tell-Tale Tail

This hidden pup gives away his position — and that’s not even the funniest part of this video. (via Murray C.)

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Links: Camodog

Invisible dogs, moose in sprinklers, irresistible cat, and penguin chases butterfly

And finally: Practical Joke Bow Tie

The perfect gag gift for your tuxedo-wearing friends! When they try to put it on — it flies away! (via Andrew Y.)

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Links: I’ve Seen Things That’ll Curl Your Hair. No, Really

Evil(-looking) cat, rescued duckling, dog saves human, moose gets bath, and hiccup pup!

And finally: Hic-pups!

Adorable wolf pup has the hiccups! (via Squiddy)

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