With proper care and diet, hamsters make charming and rewarding pets. However, it is important to pay special attention to their unique habitat needs. Hamsters are naturally sarcastic animals and love to playfully taunt their owners, so make sure your hamster enclosure contains several conveniently-placed “nyeah holes.”
Pocket Pets
Fowl Play
With the arrival of spring, ducks return to ponds — and so too does a particularly insidious breed of larcenous fiend: the duckling thief. Driven by their uncontrollable desire for cuteness, these sinister shoplifters will stop at nothing to get their “five-feather discount.” So if you see any suspicious people with peeping noises coming from their pockets, notify police immediately!
Hammie Delivery
Yikes! I can’t find the keys to the delivery van! Luckily for me, I left the window open.
There! Now that I’m inside, I can make my deliveries! Oh… wait.
Links: Cracked in the Head
Squirrel photo winners, cats in art history, owl adopts duck, and parrots get busy, in today’s extra-large links.
And finally: Current Mood