Links: Roses Are Red / Violets Are Blooming

Dog has emotional support rat, Christmas kitties, felt cats, and sneezing seals.

And finally: Gesundheit!

Cynthia D. brings the sneezing seals.

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Links: Seal Surrender

Seal surrenders, lonely alpaca makes a friend, chaotic cat pictures, rescued mountain lions, and more.

And finally: This Ain’t Whack-a-Mole, Pal

We can be friends, just leave the mallet at home. (via Andrew Y.)
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Links: Special Deliverance

Puppies rescued from fire, cat thinks it’s a baby, seal gets a mustache, there’s a horse at the window, and more.

And finally: A Dream Is a Wish Your Nose Makes

Arne brings us the best part of waking up.
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Links: Is a Puzzlement!

Cat traps, sloth loves beagle, clingy kitten, and beach resort gets an unusual customer.

And finally: Um, You’re In My Spot

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