Links: Shark-topus-pocalypse-palooza!

Photograph of octopus riding on a shark as viewed from overhead

And finally: Carrot Caper

Andrew Y. brings us a greedy hamster.

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Links: Tater Tots

A cat cuddling a potato

And finally: Tapir Tummy Rubs

Deb G. shares this important video about tapirs. Apparently, they’re total love sponges.

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Links: Oh, To Live On Puppy Mountain

photograph of a seaside mountain in China that looks like the head of a dog in profile

And finally: You’re Watching Squerl-o-Vision

So real you can almost touch it! (via Andrew Y.)

Watch on TikTok
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Links: Shell Survivor

Man carries rescued tortoise

And finally: Just Five More Minutes

Thérèse B. shares some sleepy sea lions

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