Don’t Give Me Any of Your Backtalk!

“But, Moooo-ooom, why can’t I have my own phone? All the other kids at school have their own phones and if I don’t have my own phone I’ll be so embarrassed that I’ll just die so you have to give me my own phone! (Fine, I’ll just steal yours.)”

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How Low Can He Go?

Shout-out to Mila for supporting the site today. Thank you!

As if the dog saying “mama” wasn’t proof enough, this video from Murray C. definitely shows us that some of our furry friends are trying to tell us something. And in the case of Sir Dethlan here, they’re saying it in the deepest bass-baritone you’ve ever heard.

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Nice Going, Kevin

The year was 1998. The place was a humble living room in Keosauqua, Iowa. This was to be a unique moment in evolutionary history, when a lowly canine would make that singular leap to grasp the power of language, ushering his descendants into a brave new world rich in possibilities. Or at least it would have been, if Kevin hadn’t spoiled it. Jerk move, Kevin.

Sumitterated by Sharon H. via Pleated Jeans.

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