Links: The Nice Wombat Lady

Mother of wombats, zebra suits, floofy malamutes, and a talking porcupine.

And finally: Teddy Bear’s Birthday

Remember Teddy Bear the Talking Porcupine? Well, he had a birthday a while ago, and was just as talkative as ever. (via Amy F.)

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Go Nuts, Teddy Bear

It’s been a while since we’ve heard from Teddy Bear, the porcupine who gets vocal while he eats. This time he samples a bowl of acorns and finds they’re almost as well-protected as he is. But our chatty chewer loves a challenge, and he’s nut frustrated for long.

This cracks me up, Lois M.

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And a Teddy New Year

Shout-out today goes to Diane for starting a new monthly tip. Thank you! And it appears we have another new visitor at Cutetropolis, although a familiar face to many: Teddy Bear the Talking Porcupine! Looks like he had a very merry Christmas!

Oops, I forgot to credit Murray C. for sending the video. I’m sure Teddy would scold me for that.

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