Links: Big Mama!

Stray cat has kittens, surprise baby gorilla, rehabbing a weasel, cute honking frog, and more.

And finally: Cute Honkin’ Frog

Timothy M. shares a real life squeaky toy.

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Ommm Goes the Weasel

Yoga is a calming, tranquil activity, so naturally the perfect yoga partner is this bouncy hyperactive weasel. Between her leaping and scampering, her love nibbles, and that rubbable belly, who’s got time to stretch?

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Links: Wombat Scratch Fever

And finally: No Weasel Left Behind

Mama weasel just wants to guide her babies over the fence, but the climbing is hard and plop go the weasels. But the plucky babies won’t give up, and at last they’re over the top, including a curious straggler. Another sweet find from Faye.

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