Couldn’t let Wombat Wednesday go by without watching one of these roly-poly play machines, and here’s a girl named Matilda who really puts her back into it, so to speak.
Wombat Wednesday
Links: Yes, You Can, Toucan
Rescued toucan returns to wild, screaming hairy armadillo pups, kittens cuddle with dog, and wacky wombats.
And finally: Wacky Wombats!
Wombat Test Track
To make sure every wombat can handle the rigors of life in the harsh wilderness, we subject our wombats to tough safety testing: accelerating, cornering, braking and rollovers. That’s why every wombat is Built! Wombat! Tough!
Sole Food
Typical wombat silliness. You give them all the crunchy hay they can eat, and what do they want to nibble on instead? Your brand new fur-lined expensive boots.