Cutest Wombat in the World

Here it is, folks: This is not only the cutest wombat in the world, but the cutest wombat that ever was and will ever be, including all alternate timelines, universes and dimensions. All the other wombats might as well just pack it in and become moles or something.

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Epic Wombat Wednesday

“I know of the treasure you seek,” cackled the enchanter. “It lies deep in a cave, guarded by a monster more fearsome than any dragon, more brutal than any ogre, more vicious even than the killer rabbit of Caerbannog. So if an untold fortune would be yours, then you must defeat… the Giant Wombat of Wagga Wagga!”

a wombat rests inside of a hollow log, which looks a lot like a cavern entrance
Hewwo. Are you food?

Peekaboo wombat, by -just-jay-, licensed under CC BY 2.0

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